Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

111 LIVES OF TILE PURITANS. 13. Two Comedies of Christ's Baptism and Temptations.-14. A Comedy of Christ at twelve years old.-15. A Comedy of the Raising of Lazarus.-16. A Comedy of the High Priest's Council.-17. A Comedy of Simon the Leper.-18. A Comedy of the Lord's Supper, and the Washing of the Diseipl8s Feet.-19. Two Comedies (or rather Tragedies) of Christ's Passion.-20. Two Comedies of Christ's Burial and Resurrection.-21 A Poem of God's Promises.-22. Against those that pervert God's Word.-23. Of the Corrupting-of God's Laws.-24. Against Carpers and Traducers.-25. A Defence of King John.-26. Of King Henry's two Marriages.-27. OfPopish Sects.-28. Of Popish Treacheries.-29. Of Thomas Becket's Im- postures.-30. The Image of Love.-31. Pamachius's Tragedies, translated into English.-32. Christian Sonnets.-33. A Commentary on St.John's Apecalypse.-34. ALocupletation of the Apocalypse. - 35. Wickliffe'sWar with the Papists.-36. SirJohn Oldcastle'sTrials. -37. An Apologyfor Barnes.-38. A Defence of Grey against Smith. -39. John Lambert's Confession.-40. AnneAskew's Martyrdom.- 41. Of Luther's Decease.-42. The Bishops Alcoran.-43. The Man ofSin.-44. The Mystery of Iniquity.-45. Against Anti-Christs, or False Christs.-46. Against Baal's Priests,or Baalamites.-47. Against the Clergy'sSingle Life.-48. ADispatch of PopishVows and Priest- hood.-49. The Acts of English Votaries, in two parts.-50. Of Heretics indeed.-51. Against the PopishMass.-52. The Drunkard's Mass.-53. Against Popish Persuasions.-54. Against Bonner's Ar- ticles.-55. Certain Dialogues.-56.To Elizabeth theKing's Daughter. -57. AgainstCustomary Swearing.-58. OnMantuan of Death.-59. A Week before God.-60. Of his Caning to a Bishopric..-61. Of Leland's Journal, or an Abridgement oeLeland, with Additions. - 62 'A Translation of Sebald Heyden's Apology against Salve Regina. -63. A Translation of Gardiner's Oration of true Obedience, and Bonner's Epistle before it, with a Preface to it, Notes on it, and an. Epilogue to the Reader.-But his most capital work was his Lives of the Writers, already noticed.-Bale's Collectanea is preserved among the Cottonean Manuscripts, and now deposited in the British Museum, Joint PULL AIN, B. D.-This zealous reformer was born in Yorkshire, in the year 1517, and educated first in New college, then in Christ's college, Oxford. He was a famous preacher, and a celebrated reformer, in the days of King Ed- wardVI. He becamerector of St. Peter's,Cornhill, London, in the year 1552, but suffereddeprivation in 1555.t Upon the commencement of Queen Mary's bloody persecution, he did not immediately flee, but endured the storm forsome Tragedy of God's Promises, were acted by young men at the market-cross of Kilkenny, upon a Sunday. Surely this tragedy must beas extraordinary a composition, in its kind, as his comedies."-Granger's Biog. Hist. vol. 1. p. 139. This work is entitled "The Vocacyon of Johan Bale to the Bishopric of Ossorie in Irelande,his persecutions in the same, and Snail Delyverance." Wewcourt's Repert. &el. vol. i. p. 92.