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120 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. Scripture, in which are contayned the Olde and Newe Testament, truelye and purelye translated into English." The translators were Tindal and Coverdale. John Rogers is said to have had a share in it ; but this appears incor- rect. From the end of the Chronicles to the end of the Apocrypha was Coverdale's, and the rest was Tindal's. This was called " The Great Bible,". but it did not come forth till after Tindal's death.+ The New Testament was afterwards printed in Latin and English in quarto, with the following title : " The Newe Testament both in Latino and Englishe ech'e corre- spondent to the other after the vulgare Text communely called St. Jerome's. Faithfully translated by Johan Holly- bushe anno m.ccocc.xxxvitt." This was Coverdale's translation, which he gave Hollybushe leave to print. It was dedicated " To the moost noble, moost gracious, and " our moost dradde soveraigne lord Kynge HENRY the eyght, kynge of England and of Fraunce, defender of " Christ's true fayth, and under Gon the chefe and supreme "heade of the church of Englande, Irelande, &c." In the dedication, he tells his majesty, " that oon of the chiefest causes why he did nowwith moost humble obedience dedi- cate and offre thys translation of the New Testament unto his moost royall majesty, was his highnesse's so lovingly and favourably taking his infancy and rudeness in dedi- cating the whole Bible in Englysh to his most noble Grace." This translation, as Coverdale says, was sinistrally printed and negligently corrected. He, therefore, the next year, 1539, published another edition in 8vo., which he dedicated " To the right honourable Lorde Cromwell lord° " prevye seale, vicegerent to the kynge's hyghnesse concer- " nynge all his ,jurisdiction ecclesiasticallwithin the realme " of Englande."t In the year 1538, Lord Cromwell procured letters from Lewis's Hist. of Translations, p. 26.-Strype's Cranmer, p. 82. + William Tindal, deservedly styled " The Apostle of England," was the first who translated the New Testament into English, from the original Greek. This translation was printed at Antwerp, in 1526 ; when Bishop Tonstal and Sir Thomas Moore purchased all the impression, and burnt them at Paul's cross. The sale of this impression enabled the translator to print a larger, and more correct edition. Tindal was burnt for an heretic at Wilford, near Brussels, in 1556, crying at the stake, " Lord, open the King of England's eyes."-Fox's Martyrs, vol. ii. p, 301--805.--Strype's Cranmer, p. 81. I Lewis's Hist. of Translations, p. 27, 25.