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130 LIVES OF TIIE PURITANS. his first Latin skeleton of his Herbal. The learned Dr, John Kaius, enumerating the celebrated men who have written on this subject, asks, " And who shall forget the most worthy Dr. William Turner? whose learned acts I leave to the witty commendations, and immortal praise, of Conradus Gesnerus. Yet his book of herbs will always growgreen, and never wither, as long as Dioscorides is had in mind among us mortal wits."* He wrote with great zeal and strengthof argument against the superstitions and errors of popery, It is observed, that in his book entitled " The Hunting of the Romish Fox," he has " unanswerably proved, that those who labour to advance and bring in the canon law, labour to advance and usher in the pope."+ September 10, 1559, Dr. Turner preached the sermon at Paul s cross ; and, as he was a person universally beloved, and a most popular preacher, his audience, consisting of courtiers, citizens, and people from the country, was un- commonly large.t He was a decided nonconformist, and refused subscription and the habits. Mr. Strype observes, that in the year 1565, he enjoined a common adulterer to do open penance in the priest's square cap, and thus dis- covered his contempt of the clerical garments. For this flagrant crime, Archbishop Parker complained of him to Secretary Cecil. And, as our historian adds, he used to call the bishops, white coates and tippet gentlemen. He also contemned their office, by asking, " Who gave them more authority over me, than I over them, either to forbid me preaching, or to deprive me, unless they have received it from their holy father the pope ?" This was certainly bold language for those times of severity. But without attempting to vindicate the claim here expressed; or inquiring from whom their authority was derived, their lordships ventured to exercise this authority upon Dr. Turner, and caused him, with many of his brethren, to feel the weight of their outstretched arms. For upon his refusal to wear the surplice, and use the Book of Common Prayer, he was sequestered and deprived, with nearly forty other London ministers.§ It has been generally, but improperly supposed, says Mr. Middleton, that Mr. Cartwright was the first noted dissenter from the etsablished church. Dr. Turner, dean of Wells, Biog. Brit.. vol. iii. p. 2, 6. Edit. 1778. Buntley's Prelates,p. 39. Strype's Annals, vol. i. p.136. § Strype's Parker, p. 151.-Nears Mist. of New Eng. vol. i. p. 50.