BECON. 169 to be read in the Church throughout the Year ; lately set forth unto the great Profit, not only of all Curates and Spiritual Ministers, but also of all Godly and Faithful Readers." Mr. Strype stiles him a famed preacher and writer, and the book a very useful work, containing honest, plain sermons upon the gospels, for all the Sundays in the year, to be read by the curates of congregations. The pre- face, dated from Canterbury, July 16, 1566, is addressed " to his fellow labourers in the Lord's harvest, the ministers and preachers of God's most holy word ;" in which he earnestly exhorts them to the discharge of their important duties. To this Postil he added two prayers, one at some length, the other shorter, either of which was to be said before sermon, according to the minister's discretion : also a third prayer, to be repeated after sermon. Theseprayers and sermons were drawn up for the use of ministers who were not able to compose prayers and sermons, and for the further instruction of the people in sound and wholesome doctrine, Bishop Parkhurst published verses in commen- dation of Mr. Becon and his excellent writings.f During the above year, he preached the sermon at Paul's cross; and such was his great fame, and such his favour among persons ofdistinction, that the lord mayor for that year presented a petition to Archbishop Parker, entreating his grace to prevail upon him to preach one of the sermons at the Spittle the following Easter.t Our historians are divided in their opinion concerning the time of Mr. Becon's death. Newcourt observes that he died previous to September 26, 1567 ; and Lupton says he died in 1570.1 Hewas a divine of great learning and piety, a constant preacher, a great sufferer in the cause of Christ, and an avowed enemy to pluralities, nonresidence, and all the relics of popery,5being ever zealous for the reformation of the church. He was a man of a peaceable spirit, always adverse to the imposition ofceremonies, and an avowed non- conformist, both in principle and practice. Mr. Strype justly denominates him famous for his great learning, his frequent preaching, his, excellent writings, and manifold sufferings in the reigns of King Henry, King Edward, Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth.% One Mr, Thoma,s * Strype's Parker, p. 228. f Lupton's Modern Divines, p. Strype's Cranmer, p. 424. Repert. Eccl. vol. i. p. 330.-Hist. of Divines, p. 332., MS. Chronology, vol. i. p.48. $trype's Cranmer, p. 423.-Parker, p. 130.