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220 LIVES OF Tim PURITANS. faithfully preached thegospel. In this letter, he expressed himself as follows: "'Wherefore in the universities and elsewhere," says he, " no standingbut sinking dothappear ; when, as the office and living ofa minister shall be taken from him, who, once lawfully admitted, bath ever since diligently preached, because he now refuseth prescription of men in apparel ; and thename, living, and office of aminister of GOd's word, allowed to him who neither can nor will preach, except as a mere form.-Now there is notable papistry in England and Scotland proved and proclaimed by the preaching of the gospel, to be idolatry and treason, and bow much idolatry 'and treason is yet nourished in the hearts of many, God knoweth ; and how the old stumbling-blocks are set up in many things and many places, especially the crucifix in England, and the mass in Scotland, before the faces of the highest, is daily seen by idolaters and traitors with rejoicing and hope; and by christian and obedient subjects with sorrow of heart and fear of the state. " If, in the ministry and ministers of God's word, the sharpness ofsalt bydoctrine to mortify affections,be rejected, and ceremonial service, with flattery to feed affections, be retained, then doth Christ threaten such treading under foot, as no power nor policy can withstand. " Now, therefore, my prayer unto God, and writing to your.honours, is, that authority in England, and&specially you may for sincere religion refuse worldly pleasure and gains. You ought not to allow any such corruptions among protestants, being God's servants, as to make papists to rejoice and hope for aday, beingGod's enemies : but rather 'cause such abolishing of inward papistry, and outward monuments of the same, as should cause idolatrous traitors to grieve, and faithful subjects to be glad : such casting forth of the unsavoury ministry and ministers, as might make only suchas have the savouryness of doctrine and edification to be allowed to that office, seeing such ministry only may preserve princes, andpriests, and people from casting and treading under foot : and so not deceiving and leaving the godly in distress, to perish with the ungodly but ever travelling to deliver, defend and help the godly, till by God's providence and promise they be delivered and pre- served from all danger, and in continuance and increase of Baker's MS. Caller. vol. xxi. p.559-561.-Strype'sParker, Appen.77.