LAWAANCE. 237 Mr. LAWRANCE was a man of great piety, an admired preacher, 'and incumbent in the county of Suffolk. He discovered great modesty, was unblameable in his life, sound in doctrine, and a laborious and constant preacher. He was first-employed in the ministry in the above county, about the year 1561, where he continued to labour about six years with great acceptance and usefulness. But in the year 1567, he was silenced by Archbishop Parker's visitors for noncon- formity. The good man having received the ecclesiastical censure, several persons of quality in that county, who knew his excellent character and great worth, wrote a letter to the archbishop, earnestly soliciting his restoration. This letter, dated October 27, 1567, was as follows : " Our humble commendationsand duties remembered to your grace. Great necessity cloth occasion us to write to you for one Mr. Lawrance, lately a preacher ; of whose great modesty, unblameable life, and sound doctrine, we have good experience, having with great diligence been well exercised among us thesefive or six years. He commonly preached twice every Lord's day, and many times on the working days, without ever receiving any thing. His enemies cannot accuse him of any thing worthy ofreproach, as we testified to your grace's visitors, and desired them that he might still continue his preaching ; for we knew very well that we should have great need of him. Now we see it more evident. For there is not one preacher within a circuit of twenty miles, in which circuit he was wont to preach. " Thus we have thought good to certify your grace of the necessity of our country, and diligence and good behaviour of the man ; trusting that your grace will either restore him again, or send us some other in his room ; which we most earnestly desire. Commending the same to Almighty God, and praying that he may preserve your grace. Your grace's to command, " ROBERT WINGFIELD, THOMAS PEITON, WILLIAM HOPTON, THOMAS COLBY, ROBERT HOPTON, THOMAS PLAYLESS.". WILLIAM CAVENDISH, Though it does not appear what success attended their application, nor yet how long Mr. Lawrance remained * MS. Register, p. 889, 890,