Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

SSO LIVES OF THE PURITANS. learning, exemplary piety, and an excellent preacher; and the benefice being very small, it reflects not a little upon the severity of this prelate. In March this year, Dr. Sampson sent a letter, written by another person, to the Lord Treasurer Burleigh, signify- ing, that God had been pleased to take from him the use of halfhis limbs, though not his senses ; which was the occasion of his using the hand of another. And though this disease was to him as the messenger of death, he thanked God, that he was ready to depart in peace. He was, indeed, constrained, before his heavenly father called him home, to trouble his lordship once more. He, therefore, earnestly solicited him to use his utmost endeavours to promote the necessary reformation of the church, and herein recom- mended the directions in Bucer's book on the Kingdom of Christ. " My lord," says he, "though the doctrine of the gospel is preached in the church of England, the govern- ment of the church, as appointed in the gospel, is still wanting. The doctrine, and the government, as appointed by Christ, are both good ; and are to be joined together, and not separated. It is a deformity to see a church, professing the gospel of Christ, governed by those canons and customs, by which antichrist ruleth his synagogue. Martin Bucer wrote a book to King Edward, upon this subject, entitled De Regno Christi. There you will see what is wanting of the kingdom of Christ, in the church of England. My lord, I beseech you to read this faithful and briefepitome of the book, which I have sent you; and I beseech you to lay it to heart. It is the cause ofJesus Christ and his church, and very much concerneth the souls of men. Use your utmost endeavours, that, as Christ teacheth us in the church of England, he may also rule and govern us, even by the laws of his kingdom. Help, my lord, in this good work of the Lord your God. By so doing, you will serve him who is King of kings, and he will acknowledge your good service, when all kings and lords shall appear before him. My good lord, use your authority Ibr the glory of Christ, and the peace . and welfare of his church. You cannot employ your authority in a better cause."* To this advice, the treasurer returned a christ ian npiy, saying, " that he very much approved of what was urged, but was unable to do all that he recom- mended." Dr. Sampson,also.; returned hima very appro. Strype's Apoals, vol: ii. p. 365-307.