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382 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. to blame ; for I must have complained before I suffered want. Touching my lameness, I am so far from com- plaining, that I humbly thank God for it. It is the Lord's handwhich bath touched me.. He might have smitten or destroyed me : but of his most rich favour and mercy through Jesus Christ, as a loving father, he bath dealt thus tenderly withme. I bless and praise his name for it. Ifhe see that my poor labour will be of any further service in his church, he will heal me: but if he have determined by this lameness, to lead me to my grave, the Lord give me grace to say with Eli, It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good.' I shall labour, as well as I am able, till I drop into the grave. Though I am in bonds, those bonds are from the Lord ; and if it were put to my choice, I would rather carry them to my grave, than be freed from them, and be cumbered with a bishopric.". Dr. Sampson having been presented to the mastership of the hospital at Leicester, upon his being seized with the palsy, he retired to this situation, where he spent the remainder of his days. Here he was of great service to the hospital, in restoring its privileges and endowments. An account of this is related at some length, to the great honour of his character.t He was intimate with all the leading puritans, withwhom he held a friendly correspond- ence. Among these was the venerable Mr. Gilby of Ashby. His letters to this celebrated divine are now before me, one of which, dated Leicester, March 8, 1584, was as follows : " My constant salutation in the Lord. " I do hereby thank you for your loving letter whichyou cc sent me last. I have well advised upon your godly " counsel ; but I am not so forward in the matter as you do " think. I do not take upon me to set down a platform of " reformation. I do only desire that meet men may be called " by authority, to consult thereupon. In which assembly " I could find in mine heart to be a door-keeper, though it " were only to keep out dogs. I have a mind to proceed " in that which I proposed. The Lord direct me by his " grace to do that which is good in his sight. Thus " praying you to pray for me, I commit you to God. " Yours in Christ, " Tim. SAMPSON. " P S. Until ambition and proud Pope xxiii. be pulled " down, there is no hope for any good to be done in con- . Strype's Parker, Appen. 278-280. 1- Strype's Annals,vol. ii. p. 381, 382.