FULKE. 389 true," says he, " speak of the sign of the cross ; but they speak besides the book of God ; and therefore their reasons are to be rejected. For men must not compare, or join the cross with the king's stamp; for he appointed no such thing whereby his servants might be known, but only baptism.". These sentiments afford sufficient evidence, that he was a puritan in his views of the ceremonies and discipline of the church. This eminent servant of Christ, after a life of great labour andusefulness in the church of God, was released from all his toils, and received into everlasting joy, in the month of August, 1589; when his remains were interred in the chancel of the church at Kedington already mentioned. Afterwards a monumental inscription was there erected to his memory, of which the following is a translation, with the lines subjoined in English :1- In MEMORY ofWILLIAM FULKE, D. D. Master of Pembroke hall, Cambridge, and Pastor of this church of Kedington.$ In testimony of his continued love bath Robert Wright, Professor of Divinity, and present pastor ofthis church, erected this monument. His body was committed to the ground August 28, 1589, and lies in this chancel in hope of the restIrrection at the coming of Christ. In deepest learning, witha zealous love, To Heaven and Truth, could privileges prove To keep back death, no hand had written here Lies Reverend Folks, till Christ in clouds appear. His Works will shew him more free from all error, Rome's foe, Truth's champion, and the Rhemist's terror. Dr. Fulke, the twelfth of the month in which he died, made his last will and testament, which it may not be improper to insert in thisplace. It was as follows :1 " In the name of God, amen. I William Fulke, clerk, D. D. being of sound mind and memory, God be praised, make here my last will and testament. First, I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Saviour and Redeemer, yieldingmost humble and hearty thanks unto his majesty for all his mercies bestowed upon me, most vile and Sion's Plea, p. 99. 1. Baker's MS. Collec. vol. ii. p, 292. t Here there appears to have been some mistake in the spelling of the transcriber, which we have taken the liberty to correct. Baker's 193. Colles,, vol. iii. p. 327-329.