Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

3.90 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. unworthy wretch, but especially for his mercy chewed unto me in Jesus Christ, in whom I believe to have.remission of any sins, and to be justified by his blood. My body I commit to the earth, from whence it was taken, in steadfast hope of a glorious resurrection unto life everlasting, through the mercy and merits of the same Lord Jesus Christ. Concerning my earthly goods, wherewith God bathblessed me, I giveall my lands freehold and copy, that are deviseable by law, or the custom of the manor, unto Christopher my eldest son, and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, and for default of such heir, to William Fulke my younger son, and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, and for default of such heirs, unto my heirs female, to be equally divided among them : and this I understand both of such lands as I have in possession, and also of those lands whereof I have the remainder or reversion of the last will of Christopher Fulke my dear father. " Also I give and bequeath the customary lands that I have in Tanton called the Fullance, to William Leonard my brother-in-law, upon condition that he shall convey them over to my son Christopher, if the custom of the manor will permit it ; but if the customof the manor will not permit such conveyance, then I will that Margaret my wife, within one year 'after my departure, shall surrender the-same to the use of my son Christopher, or else to have no benefit of this my last will and testament. " I will that my antiquities shall be preserved to the use of Christopher my son, if he shall have delight in them at his full age, or else to the use of my son William at the like age, if he shall havedelight in them, or elseto be sold to some one that delights in antiquities, and the price to be equally divided among my daughters. Also I will that my books be preserved to the use of Christopher my son, if it 'shall please God to call him to the study of divinity, or else to the like use of William, if God shall call him to the same study : but if neither of them shall study divinity, I will that they shall be sold to the most advantage, and the price of them to be equally divided among my daughters. Whereas I Owe ten poUnds and some odd money to Pem- broke hall, I will that the same bepaid into the hands of him that shall succeed master in my room, in the presence of the treasurer of the college. Also in respect of divers benefits I have received ofthe said college, for a signofthankfulness, I give unto the master and fellows of the college of Mary