Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

392 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. Discovery of the Dangerous Rock of the Popish 'Church, 1580.-9. A Defence ofthe Translationof the HolyScriptures in English, 1583. -10. Confutation ofWill. Allen's Treatise in Defence ofthe Usurped Power of thePopish Priesthood. JOHN GARBRAND, D. D.-Hewas born in the city of Oxford, educated ingrammar learning at Wickham school, near Winchester, and in 1562, was admitted Perpetual fellow of New &liege, Oxford. Afterwards, he became rector of North-Crowley in Buckinghamshire; and by the favour of Bishop Jewel, obtained some preferment in the church of Sarum. In 1582, he took his degrees in divinity. Upon the death of Jewel, whom he highly admired, he collected and completed several of his learned works : As, 1. A View of a Seditious Bull sent into England fromPius V. Pope of Rome, 1569.-2. A short Treatise of the Holy Scriptures, 1582.-3. AnExposition on the two Epistles to the Thessalonians, 1582.-4. Certain Sermons preached at Paul's Cross,1583.-5. ATreatise of the Sacraments, gathered out of certain Sermons preached at Salisbury, 1583. Dr. Garbrand died towards the closeof the year 1589, and his remains were interred in the church of North-Crowley. Wood says, he was accounted a good poet, an eminent theologian, and a noted preacher, but a severe puritan.. By his last will, he gave a quantity of his books to New College library. DUDLEY FENNER was a divine of excellent learning and piety, and, for some time a celebratedtutor in the university of Cambridge, where he had Mr. Cartwright, Mr. Travers, and other distinguished persons for his pupils. Upon his removal from the university, he became minister at Cranbrook in Kent ; but being dissatisfied with the episcopal ordinationof the church of England, he went to Antwerp, and was ordained according to the manner of the reformed churches at that place, renouncing his former ordination.+ During his stay at Antwerp, he preached, with Mr. Cartwright, to the English congregation in that city. But upon his return to England, he wasbrought into many troubles for nonconformity. In the year 1583, universal subscription to Whitgift's three articles being required of the clergy, Mr. Fenner and sixteen of his 4. Wood's Athena; Oxon. vol. i. p. 194, 195. + Fuller's Church Hist. b. ix. p. 198.-Heylin'sHist of Pm. p. 290.