GARBRAND-D. FENNER. 39$ brethren, all ministers of Kent, waited upon his lordship, and signified that they could not subscribe with a good conscience. Therefore they humbly desired to know the result of his proceedings, and whether they might 136 favoured with a license to continue in their beloved work of preaching. This they did, in a letter addressed to the archbishop, dated January 30, 1584 ; in which they express themselves as follows :' -" Our duty in most humble " manner unto your gracepresented. Whereas our coming " to your lordship in so great a company, was that every " one might be resolved, being in your lordship'sjudgment " offensive. Notwithstanding many of our doubts have " beenheard, and by your lordship's great pains, favourably " interpreted, we were in the end dismissed without any " certainty of your lordship's pleasure. We have thought it meet, therefore, to signify these two things to your " grace :-1. That we are not resolved in our consciences, " of the most of our former doubts, and have yet many " others not mentioned, whichwe judge of equal weight.- " 2. That seeing we are not in our consciences, satisfied " to subscribe, we humbly desire to understand your grace's " favourable purpose, in proceeding with us, and whether " we shall receive license to depart or no. " Your grace's most humble to command in the Lord. " DUDLEY FENNER, " JOSEPH NICHOLS, " JOSEPH MINGE, " GEORGE CASLOCKE, " WILLIAM EVANS, " JAMES GROVE, " GEORGE ELY, " RICHARD HOLDEN, "ANTHONY BRIMSTONE, ROBERT GOLLEFORD, JOHN ELVIN, LEVER WOOD, WILLIAM KNIGHT, ANTHONY HILTON, THEOPHILUS CALVER, JOHN MAYO, JOHN GRIMESTONE." In the conclusion, the archbishop suspended them all ; upon which, Sir Thomas Scot and twenty-six respectable gentlemen in Kent, feeling the great loss of so many excellent ministers being silenced, all waited upon his lord- ship. From the conversation which they had with the archbishop, now before me, it is manifest how exceedingly solicitous they were to procure their restoration. But his grace being immoveable, their generous endeavours proved ineffectual.+ Mr. Fenner continued under suspension many MS. Register, p. 326. MS. Chronology, vol. i. p. 332. (3 I 1) (3 I 3.)