Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

396 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. before the bishop, after half a day's disorderly reasoning, some not being heard to the full, some railed on andmis- called, none with lenity satisfied, but all suspended from our office, because we refused to subscribe to his two last articles, there might afterwards pass from us some unjustifiable expressions. This we are willing to impute toourselves. "* The following is a list ofMr. Fenner's other learned productions. His WORKS. -1. An Answer to the Confutation of John Nichols, 1581.-2. ACounter-Poyson, modestlie written for the Time, to snake Answere to the Objections and Reproaches, wherewith the Answerer to the Abstract,would disgrace the Holy Disciplineof Christ.-3. A Defence of the Reasons of the Counter-Poyson, for maintainance of the Eldershippe, against an Answere made to them byDoctor Copequot, in a publike Sermon at Patties Crosse, upon Psalm lxxxiv., 1584.'t -4. A Commentry on Canticles. -5. The Order of Houshold Government-6. An Interpretation of the Lord's Prayer.-7. An Interpretation of the Epistle to Philemon.-8. A short Table of Religion out of the first Table of the Law.-9. A Treatise of the Sacrament-10. A profitable Treatise of Lawful and Unlawful Recreations.-11. The Art of Logic and Rhetoric plainly set forth.- 12. Sacred Theology, in Ten Books4-13. The Considerationof the Admonition of Mr. Vaughan. A MS. copy of this work is now before me, but most probably wasnever published. CUTHBERT BAINBRIGG was fellow of Christ's college, Cambridge, and a popular preacher in the university, but 'was brought into trouble for nonconformity. Having preached at St. Mary's church, January 5, 1589, he was summoned before the vice-chancellor, Dr. Nevil, and heads of colleges, who, for the dangerous doctrines said to be contained in his sermon, immediately sent hint to prison. This affair, with a similar one of Mr. Francis Johnson's,4 excited the attention of the university for a twelvemonth. Mr. Bainbrigg's text on this occasion was Luke xii. 49., " I am come to send fire upon earth," &c. Certain articles were collected from the sermon, and he was re- quired to declare upon his oath, what he had delivered relative to those articles.II Both he and Mr. Johnson appeared before their learned inquisitors,January 23d; and Parte of a Register, p. 392, 393. 1. The two last articles are published in A Faroe of a Register."-Sea p. 412-527. t The MS. of this learned work, and apparently in Mr. Fenner's own hand, is still preserved in Dr. Williams's library, Redcross-street, London. § See Art. F. Johnson. Strype's Whitgift, p. 296.