LITTLETON. 0105 same in the pulpit of St. Mary's church ; but whether he performed the latter we have not been able to learn. After this, he was most probably released from prison, and was restored to his fellowship in the college, which he appears to have enjoyed in the year 1590.* 7 he year following he was chosen one of the proctors of the university.t EnyeurrnLITTLETON was a zealous puritan, who took an active part in promoting the associations. Though it does not appear at what place he exercised his public ministry, he was a man of considerable eminence, and always desirous to obtain a more pure reformation of the church. He united with his brethren in perfecting the " Book of Discipline ;" and when it was finished, he joined with them in subscribing it.# On account of his zeal and activity to promote the desired ecclesiastical discipline, he was appre- hended, with many of his brethren, in the year 1590, and carried before the high commission. He and some others were of opinion, that it was their duty to take an oath in all cases, when required by their superiors. He, therefore, took the oath ex officio, and discovered many things relative to the associations ; for which he was most probably released.s When he was apprehended, his papers were seized, and carried away, and produced as evidence against him and his brethren. Among these was the following declaration, subscribed by the persons whose names are subjoined. " The brethren assembled together in the name of God, having heard and examined by the word of God, and according to their best abilities and judgment, a draught of disciplineessential and necessary for all times, have thought good to testify concerning it as follows :-We acknowledge and confess the same to be agreeable to God's most holy word, so far as we are able to judge or discern, of it, excepting some few points, which we have sent to our reverend brethren of this assembly, for their further reso- lution. " We affirm it to be the same which we desire to be established in this church, by daily prayer to God, which we promise (as God shall offer opportunity, and give us to discern it so expedient) by humble suit unto her majesty, her honourable council and the parliament, and by all Strype's Annals, vol. iii. p. 592. 1. Fuller's Hist. of Cam. p. 149. Nest's Puritans, rot. i. p. 423. Strype's Whitgift, p.331-333.