LORD-KING. 407 EDWARD Loan was some years vicar of Woolston in Warwickshire, but greatly persecuted for nonconformity. During Mr. Cartwright's exile at Guernsey and Antwerp, he took care of his hospital at Warwick ; for which that reverend divine allowed him part of the profits, and gave the rest to the poor.* He subscribed the " Book of Discipline," and united with his brethren its their private assemblies ; for which, in the year 1590, he was appre- hended, and convened before the high commission and star-chamber, and cast into prison, where he remained a long time.+ He underwent many examinations before his spiritual inquisitors, but refused to take the oath ex officio. On one of these occasions, he is said to have inquired "what would become of archbishops, bishops, &c. when the reformation should thrust them from their rich livings, that the country might not be pestered with beggars ?" He gave some account of various private meetings and con- , ferences among the brethren ; and said, " that the painful preaching ministers now, are worse suppressed, than by the papists in the time of Queen Mary, who professed open enmity against them, and had law against them, which is otherwise now with us."t Mr. Lord was an eminently holy man, an, able preacher, and an excellent divine. Upon his deprivation at the above period, he was succeeded in the pastoraloffice at Woolston by Mr. Hugh Clark, another excellent puritan.s ANDREW KING was a divine of considerable eminence, but; in 1573, was apprehended and cast into prison for nonconformity. Being brought before the lords of the council and the highcommission, and examined concerning some of Mr. Cartwright's opinions, and not answering to the satisfaction of his spiritual inquisitors, he was sent back to prison, and threatened with banishment if he would not conform.II What other sufferings he underwent at this time, we have not been able to learn. However, in the year 1590, he was again apprehended, together with Mr. Cartwright and many others, and cast into prison, where he remained a long time. During his imprisonment, he and his brethren were often carried before the, high commission and the star,chamber, where they met with Clark's Lives annexed to Martyr. p. 20. + See Art. Cartwright, Baker's MS. Collec, vnl. xv. p. 74. § Clark's Lives, p. 20, 129, Strype's Parker, p. 412, 415.