408 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. most tyrannical and cruel usage.. On one of these occasions, the following interrogatories were proposed to him Whether have you refused to use, or have you used in your sermons, the queen's majesty's whole title by law established under her, namely, defender of the faith, in all causes, and over all persons, as well ecclesiastical as civil, in these her realms and dominions, and supreme governor next and immediately under God ? For what cause have you so refused, or not used the said style ? and were you admonished to use it ?-Whether did you know or had heard betbre the 19thday-of November, 1588, the said day was by and under her majesty's authority appointed to be solemnizedand celebrated with thanksgiving unto God, forour happydeliverance from the intended inva- sion ofthe Spaniards? And did you that day, nevertheless, absent yourself from the parish church, and neither said divine service, preached, nor procured any other, then and there to do it ? What was the cause, and what was your very true and only purpose and intent in so doingr+ Though Mr. King refused the oath ex offi i cio, these nquiries were evidently designedto force him to accuse himself, and then to condemn him upon his own confession: but it does not appear what answers he gave, or whether he absolutely refused. MALANCTHON JEWELwas a zealous minister of Christ, but met with much cruel usage for his nonconformity. He was tried at the public assize at Exeter, and condemned upon the statute for confirming the Book of Common Prayer, to suffer five months' imprisonment. He met with this unjust and inhuman treatment, though he had pre- viously applied to the bishop, for the removal of his doubts and scruples, but could not obtain the favour.$ In the year 1590, he was again apprehended, and cast into prison ; he was frequently taken before the high commis- sion and the star-chamber, and remained under confinement about two years.g Though he refused the oath ex officio, the following in- quiries were proposed to him, and he was required to give his answer :-"Whether have you devised, penned, re- ceived, or delivered any English books or pamphlets, being contrasy to the laws or statutes of this realm, since her majesty's proclamation in that behalf? Andhave you See Art. Cartwright. + Baker's MS. Collec. vol. ;v. p. 78. MS. Register, p. 58i. S See Art. Cartwright.