Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

422 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. " Right honourable and beloved in Christ. " Since my late deprivation at Lambeth, I have both preached and ministered the sacraments, to my flock at Sedburgh ; nor could I find any rest in my conscience till I had done this.* And as I have not depended on any man's Opinion, in what I have done, so the Lord hath abund- antly blessed me with heavenly comforts in my own soul, and under my painful sufferings ; and abundantly blessed my labours among those whom he committed to my care. " I have turned my back upon those antichristian and unlawful proceedings which were used against me, my ministry, and my flock. This was necessary in these days of prelatical and popish superstition. But I must inform you, that as I was lately on my journey as far as Borough- bridge, my wife big with child, andthe other branches of my family being with me, I was there arrestedby a pursuivant, and brought to this place, a distance offifty miles, in this cold winter. The chief cause of this usage, is my preaching and administrating the sacraments among my flock, after my deprivation. Dr. Sandys used me hardly, in causingme, and those who were with me, to remain four days at Boroughbridge, and in sending me this distance, to this noisome prison, in cold winter, when there were better prisons near at hand. I am here within the iron, gate, in a coli room, among felons and condemned prisoners, and in various ways, worse used than they, or recusant papists. Therefore, my suit to your honour, is, that it would please your honour to use some means, as God shall direct you, whereby I may be delivered out of the hands of my cruel enemies. And that it may please your honour to further the reformation of our. English church, especially in this present parliament; that the faithful ministers of Christ may not be silenced by the prelates ; that good christians may not be brought into trouble, for refusing those rites and ceremonies which are the inventions of men ; and that a learned and godly minister may be appointed to every congregation. " You are now one of the oldest nobles in our land. Your days are few and wearing out ; therefore, let them be spent to the honour of Christ. Thus we shall pray for . About one hundred and forty of Mr. Wigginton's people, for the sad crime of hearing him preach after his deprivation, were cited to appear. at York and other places, at the distance of sixty or eighty miles, most of whom were excommunicated by the ecclesiastical commissioners.-MS. Registers p. 770.