WIGGINTON. 423 you, while you live, and esteem your posterity when you arewith Christ in the kingdom of heaven. The Lind both guide and bless your honour, and his whole church. From Lancaster castle, February28, 1587. 44 GILES WIGGINTON, pastor of Sedburgh. It does not appear what effect was produced by the above letter, nor how long Mr. Wigginton remained a close prisoner ; but in about two years, he was brought' into other troubles by Whitgift, his old adversary. In the month of December, 1588, being in London, the archbishop's pursuivant apprehendedhim at his lodgings, while he was in bed, and carried him to Lambeth, upon suspicion of beingone of the authors of Martin Mar-Prelate, At Lambeth, he appeared before the Archbishop, the Bishop of Winchester, Dr. Aubery, Dr. Cosin, Dr. Good- man, and other high commissioners; when he underwent the following examination Archbishop. There is a book, called Martin Mar- Prelate, a vile, seditious, and intolerable book ; and you are suspected to be one of its authors, Therefore, you are to swear what you know concerning it. Wigginton. You do well to let me know what I have to swear to. But let me know, also, who are my accusers. For I do not mean to accuse myself. A. We will take your answers upon your word alone. What say you to these articles following ? Have'you any ofthose books ? or have you read or heard any of them read, or any part of them, at any time ? W. I will not answer to accuse myself. Let my accusers stand forth and proceed against me. You have known my mind upon this point, many years. A. Have you had any of them, and how many ? How came you by them ? What did you do with them ? In whose hands are they ? And by whose means did you obtain them ? W. I had rather accuse myself, than other persons; but I will accuse neither. Let mine accusers, and proper witnesses according to the laws of God and the realm, proceed against me. I expect no comfort in accusing myself; or my neighbour. A. Have you bought, sold, given, dispersed, handled, or any way dealt in any of them ? and in what sort ? W. I account it as unnatural for me to accuse myself, as to thrust a knife into my thigh. The matter, I understand, is doubtful and dangerous ; therefore, I will accuse neither