Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

426. LIVES OF THE PURITANS. W. You must then confute them. A. You despise the high commission. Why do you wear a cloak above your gown ? W. As a woman just come out of child-bed, I am just come out of the Compter, and dress thus fearing the cold. A. You make a wise comparison of yourself. Such women must be kept warm. W. Then'let them be kept warm.. The commissioners having finished the examination of Mr. Wigginton, and finding him, after using all the inqui- sition their wits could devise, unwilling to accuse himself or others, they dismissed him from their presence, while they consulted what they should do. And being again called in, the meek and, lowly archbishop thus addressed him Forasmuch as you have refused to swear, and to answer as we have required you, and so, by law, have con fessed yourself to be guilty of the accusations charged against you ; and as you have at sundry times, and in divers ways, spewed your contempt of our ecclesiastical authority, and of this our high commission, which the queen bath g.ven unto us, and which you shall obey and' yield unto, before I have done with you; therefore, your former enlargement shall now be taken away, and you shall be kept close prisoner in the. Gatehouse, until you shall yield in these matters ; and when you are so disposed, you may send us word. In the mean time go your way. Away with him pursuivant."t He was then carried to the Gatehouse,1 where he remained a long time ; and though repeated intercessions were made to the archbishop for his release, it was all to no purpose. Mr. Wigginton was a pious man, a zealous minister, and a learned divine, and was living in the year 1591 ; but he most probably con tinned in the Gatehouse for several years, until the general banishment of the puritans.s This grcat sufferer in the cause of nonconformity, during MS. Register, p. 845-548. + The warrant sent to the keeper of the Gatehouse, was as follows :- " Herewith we send you one Giles Wigginton whom we will and require " you, and in her majesty's name, do strictly Charge and command you, to " retain in your custody, by virtue of her highness's commission for causes " ecclesiastical to us and others directed, and him safely to keep and " detain, until you shall have further direction from us. And hereof fail " you not, as you will answer to the contrary at your peril. csiVgn. Lambeth, December6, l588."---Thid. p. 848, 849. § MS. Chronology, vol. ii. p. 441, (8.)