Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

CA.WDREY. 431 t. " That youdeem andjudge your ordering, admission, and calling into the ministry, to be lawful, and not repugnant to the word of God. Ans. " If I were now to be made a minister, I would not enter into the ministry according to that order. 3. " That you have sworn as well at your ordering, as at your institution, duty and allegiance to the queen's majesty, and canonical obedience to your ordinary and his successors, and to your metropolitan and his successors, or some of them. Ans. " When I was instituted, I took an oath, but do not remember the tenour of it ; and whether I was sworn at my ordering, or not, I do not remember. 4. "That by a statute made in the first year of the queen's majesty, a virtuous and godly book, entitled The Book of Common Prayer and administration of Sacra- ments, and of other rites and ceremonies in the Church of England,' was authorized and established in full force, and so remaineth. Ans. " I believe this article to be true in every part. 5. " That by the said statute, all and singular ministers within her majesty's dominions, are bound to say and use a certain form of morning and evening prayer, and administration of each of the sacraments, and all other common and open prayer, in such form and order as is mentioned in the said book, and not otherwise. Ans. " I believe this article to be true in every part.. 6. " That in the said statute, her majesty and parliament assembled, do in God's name, earnestly charge and require all the archbishops, bishops, and other ordinaries, that they shall endeavour, to the utmost of their knowledge, that the due and true execution of the said act may be had throughOut their dioceses and charges, as they shall answer before Almighty God. Ans. " I believe this article to be true. 7. " That within the space of three years, two years, one year, half a year, three months, two months, or one month, last past, you have baptized divers infants, or at least one infant, otherwise and in other manner than the said book prescribeth ; andhave wittaigly added thereunto, diminished therefrom, or altered according to your own fancy, divers or some parts thereof; and especially you have not used the sign of the cross upon the forehead, with the words in the said Book of Common 'Prayer prescribed to be used beclare low many you have so baptized ;' and for 'what,