Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

432. LIVES OF TIIE PURITANS. cause, consideration, and intent, with the circumstance of the words by you used or diminished.. Ans. " I have not used the sign of the cross in the sacra- ment of baptism. And in reciting the interrogatories to the godfathers, I spoke in the plural, number, saying YOU, instead of THOU. I could not have done it according to the order of the said book, or otherwise than as I have done, I think, with a safe conscience. And since I entered upon my benefice, I have baptized divers children, but I cannot remember how many. 8. " That within. the time aforesaid, you have divers and sundry times, or at least once, ministered the sacrament of the Lord's supper to the communicants or some of them, standing or walking, and have not used the form of words in that behalf appointed and prescribed in the said Book of Common Prayer. Declare the circumstances thereof, and for what cause or consideration you have done this. Ans. " I have often ministered the sacrament of theLord's supper within the time mentioned ; and therein I have dis- tributed the bread and wine to the communicants as I found them, some standing, some sitting, and some kneeling ; but never -0 any walking. And as to the prayers appointed in that behalf, and the words at the institution, I have followed the exact order of the book. 9. " Within the time aforesaid, you have used either no form at all, or have used some other than that which the said book prescribeth, in the burial of the dead ; and have refused or omitted usint, or saying divers words appointed and prescribed in that behalf, in the said book. Declare the circumstances thereof, and for what cause or consideration you have done this. Ans. " Within this year or two, in the burial of the dead, I have not read the whole service; because I ani persuaded that some parts of it do nourish superstition. I have omitted this clause, in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life, and some others or the like tendency, And besides reading the chapter appointed, I have expounded some part of the scripture appointed to be read at funerals. IQ. "'That within the time aforesaid, you have openly in your sermons or sermon, preached or rather inveighed against the Book of Common Prayer, and the authority of archbishops and bishops. You said that the Book of Common. Prayer is a wicked thing, tie upon it ! tie upon it ! that lords spiritual ought no b to be 4r4 ovortheir brethren ;