Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

CAWDR EY. 433 and that nonresident ministers are ministers of antichrist. Declare as before, the circumstances thereof, and for what cause or consideration you have done this. Ans. " About six weeks since,'I preached the lecture at Uppingham, being, thereto appointed, taking for my, text Col. i. 3-7. I then observed, as naturally arising fromthe words, that there was an equality among the ministers of Christ ; and that Epiphras, the faithful minister of Christ, as mentioned in the text, was not 'a nonresident, and had not one charge in this country and another in another country. I then spokeof the benefits of a faithful ministry, and said that the want of it is the cause of ignorance, superstition, atheism, conspiracy, and rebellion. And in the warmth of my zeal, seeing the book tolerateth an ignorant and unfaithful ministry, I said, it is a vile book, fie upon it !"' Mr. Cawdrey delivered the above answers upon his oath, in the presence of Bishop Aylmer, Dr. Stanhope, and Dr. Walker. These spiritual rulers thus obliged the good man to take an oath, with a view of making him accuse himself This was the constant practice of the high commission court. Mr. Cawdrey having given his answers to the charges brought against him, hewas ordered to appear again in the month of December, to answer certain articles, mostly the same as those already noticed. Upon his appearance at the time appointed, after a long examination, without coming to any conclusion, he was cited to appear a third time in themonth of February following. Upon his third appearance, being required to subscribe, and to enter into an engagement to wear 'the surplice, he refused, and was kept some time in a state of confinement. During, his examination, the Bishop of London, urging him to wear the surplice, thus addressed him : Bishop. Suppose you were able to keep four or six servants in livery, and one or two of them should refuse to wear your livery, would you take it all in goodpart? Are not we the queen's servants ? And is not the surplice the livery which she hath appointed to be worn ? And do you think shewill be content if we refuse to wear it? Besides, the long prayer which you use before your sermons, is nothing but bibble babble, bibble babble. Cawdrey. Every kingdom divided against itself must needscome to desolation. Sowhen protestants set themselves VOL. L. MS. Register, p. 790-792. 2F