Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

INTRODUCTION. 15 providence of God, that on the day of his apprehension, he left it with Mrs. Rough, the minister's wife.. Two or three days after this,, he was sent to the Tower. During his confinement, because he would not discover the book, nor the names of the persons, he was cruelly racked three several times ; and an arrow was tied between his two fore- fingers, and drawn out so violently as to cause the blood to gush forth ; but all was without effect. He was then com- mitted to Bonner, who bore this testimony concerning him before a number of spectators : " You see what a personable man this is ; and for his patience, if he were not an heretic, I should much commend him. For he has been thrice racked in one day, and, in my house, he bath endured some sorrow ; and yet I never saw his patience once moved." The relentless prelate, nevertheless, condemned him, ordering him first into the stocks in his coal-house, and from thence to Smithfield ; where with Mr. Fox and Mr. Davenish, two others of the church taken at Islington, he ended his life in the flames.+ Seven more of this church were burnt in Smithfield, six at Brentford, and others died in prison.t The numerous divines who fled from the persecution of Queen Mary, retired to Frankfort, Strasburgh, Zurich, Basil, Geneva, and other places.; but they were most nu- merous at Frankfort. At this place it was, that a contest and division commenced, which gave rise to the PuRITANS, and to that SEPARATION from the church of England which continues to this day. The exiles were in no place 60 happily settled as at Frankfort; where the senate gave them the use of a church, on condition that they should Rot vary from the French reformed church, either in doctrine or ceremonies. According to these conditions, they drew up a new liturgy, more agreeable to those of the foreign churches, omitting the responses and the litany, with many trifling ceremonies in the English prayer book, and declined the use of the surplice. They took possession A few nights before this, Mr. Rough had a remarkable dream. He thought he saw Mr. Sympson taken by two of the guard, and with the book above-mentioned, This giving him much trouble, he awoke, and related the dream to his wife. Afterwards, falling asleep, he again dreamt the same thing, Upon his awaking the second time, he determined to go Immediately to Mr. Sympson, and put him upon his guard ; but while he was getting ready, Mr. Sympson came to his house with the book, which be deposited with Mrs. Rough, as above related.-Fox, vol. iii. p. 726. + Ibid. p. 726, 726.-Clark's Martyrologie, p. 497. Polo Martyrs, vol. iii. p. 732, 734.