CAWDREY. 439 part of the kingdom.. Mr. Strype, indeed, observes, that he was not only deprived, but continuing in his disobe- dience, he was also degraded by the high commission at Lambeth ; and that he was charged, not only with noncon- formity, but want of learning.+ Mr. Cawdrey, aware of the two-fold charge, presented the following humble vindication of himself to the lord treasurer : 44 As to my learning," says he, 44 though. I have none toboast of; yet, seeing I have been employed in study, and have exercised myself in expounding the scrip- tures and preaching theword of God, almost twenty years, I hope God hath blessed me with some small measure of knowledge. I appeal to the people of my charge, and the good success of my ministry among them, which is a great comfort to my soul. I desire your lordship to examine me upon some portion of scripture, and I hope you will not find me so utterly void of learning, as to be wholly unfit to be exercised in the ministry. Indeed, I acknowledge, that, with respect to my important calling, and the ability that is requisite to a proper discharge of it, I am very unfit for the sacred function. Yet it affordeth me some comfort, that God in mercy hath so far blessed my labours, that I hope my people know as well as most, how to " render unto -Cwsar the things which are Caasar's, and unto God the things which are God's."-And as to the charge of not using the Book of Common Prayer, I have always used it, and still purpose to use it. Only I humbly request, that I may not be more narrowly searched into, and more hardly dealt with, than many others ministers in England. "t Mr. Cawdrey having received the sentence of depriva- tion, and being dissatisfied with the ecclesiastical censure, was urged to submit his case to the further determination of Archbishop Whitgift and Bishop Aylmer; but he utterly refused, for the following reasons :-44 Because he was persuaded in his conscience, and it was manifest from lamentable experience, that the lord bishops countenanced nonresidents, made many ignorant and idle shepherds, and dealt with great severity against many godly ministers for not observingthe popish ceremonies :-Because they would allow any papist or atheist, being accused before them, to have a copy of their interrogatories and other proceedings but the ministers, who could not in conscience observe some MS. Register, p. 795, Life of Aylmer, p. 130, la, r Ibid, p. 132,133,