Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

WOOD----FENN. 44 he underwent many troubles for nonconformity. While in the former situation, he experienced the cruel oppressions of the times, and was apprehended and committed to close prison, where he a long time. During his confinement, the inhabitants at Northampton presented a supplication to Queen Elizabeth, humbly and earnestly beseeching her majesty to grant his release, and his restora- tion to his beloved ministry. In this supplication they affirmed upon their dutiful allegiance, that during his abode in that place, he had lived an honest and apeaceable life, and gave a high character of his diligence in preach- ing, his obedience to God, and to those in authority. It does not appear, however, whether this application was at all successful. It is very probable he never returned to his charge at Northampton. Having at length obtained his release, he most probably entered upon his ministerial charge in the city of Coventry. The oppressed puritans being desirous to be eased of their heavy burdens, Mr. Fenn was unanimously chosen by the LOndon ministers, to accompany the Earl of Leicester, in a presentation of their afflictions and desires to those in authority ; but with what success, we have not been able to learn. Heconsented to this appointment, saying " that he was ready, to run, whenever the church commanded him." It is said to have been his opinion, that impropriations, which were attached to her majesty, to colleges, &c. ought to be set to the' pastors ; and that all tythes, which are appendages by some composition, should be paid to the ministers in specie. It is also observed, that he accounted it unlawful to receive the sacrament at the hands of a dumb minister, or to attend the ordinary service of the chuich '.without a sermon.. Upon the publication of Whitgift's three articles, and the persecutions which followed, he was cited to Lambeth, and, refusing to subscribe, was immediately suspended. ' When he appeared before the archbishop, he was urged by many arguments, to subscribe; and he, on the contrary, endea- voured to answer those arguments, stating his reasons for refusal. This was as follows : Archbishop. Your subscription is required by the statute of 13 Eliz. .Fenn. That statute extendeth no further than the confes- sion of christian faith, and the doctrine of, the sacraments. I. Baker's MS. Collet. vol. iv. a. 731 as.