Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

448 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. which his study was broken open, and searched, and his private papers were carried away. Those papers contained some of tbe, resolutions agreed upon at their associations ; among which were the following That private baptism is unfawful.-That the sign of the cross ought not to be used in baptism.-That the calling of bishops is unlawful. -That the people ought to be taught church discipline.-- That ministers ought to be called by their flocks.-And that no minister ought to subscribe to the Book of Common Prayer. "* These were the dangerous resolutions and opinions of Mr. Wight and his brethren, for which they were apprehended and cast into prison. They were most shamefully reproached and insulted in the high commission and star-chamber; and were under confinement in the year 1592, having been in prison nearly two years. Whether Mr. Wight continued much longer in bondage, we cannot ascertain.+ WILLIAM PROUDLOVEwas a respectable puritan minis- ter, who, about the year, 1562, became vicar of Fansley in Northamptonshire; and in 1577, he became rector of Lamport in the same county.# He united with his brethren in their private associations, and tookan active part in promoting the desired ecclesiastical discipline ; for which, in the year 1590, he was apprehended and cast into prison, where he remained a long time.l He was often carried before the high commission and the star-chamber, whenhe underwent the severe scrutiny and examination of his ecclesiastical inquisitors ; but refused the oath ex officio. On one of these occasions, the following interrogatories were proposed to him : Whether have not you put in practice that opinion or determination of those that labour for a discipline and government by eldership, whereby they hold, that a godly minister is not to rest in or obey the suspension or depriva- tion of bishops or their officers, as it is practised in the church of England?-Whether were you suspended or excommunicated by your ordinary, and, nevertheless, did preach and execute your ministry, during,such suspension or excommunication ; and what moved you so to do ?- Whether have you besides the presentation by the patron, Strype's Whitgift, p. 291, 292. -1 See Art. Cartwright. Bridges's Hist. of Northamptonshire, vol. i. p. 95, 115. See AO. Certwright,