Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

J. MORE. 451 From the above submission it is obvious that Bishop Maddox had not sufficiently examined the subject, or that his materials of information were defective, when he affirms that Mr. More does not appear to have been suspended. It is not, indeed, equally clear how long he remained under the episcopal censure, nor whether his submission was at all available. About the year 1584, after the publication of Whitgift's three articles, we find this excellent divine and upwards of sixty others, all ministers of Norfolk, not resolved to subscribe. And about the same time, the minis- ters of Norwich, being grievously oppressed with the seve- rities laid upon them, presented to the archbishop their . reasons for refusing subscription, earnestly soliciting the resolution of their scruples and objections ; but I do not find what satisfaction they obtained.t Dr. Ames styles Mr. More a most heavenly man, and the light and gloryof the church.t. Mr. Granger gives the following account of him : 66 This worthy person," says he, " was about twenty years minister of St. Andrew's in Norwich; where he was held in great veneration for his general knowledge in the sciences, his exact skill inthe learned languages, and, above all, for his extensive learning and indefatigable labours as a divine. He constantly preached thrice every Sunday, and was much admired for his excellent talent that way. He refused very considerable preferments, which would have been attended with less labour than his cure at Nor- wich, only because he thought he could be more useful in that city.' This author, giving an account of the different modes of dress at this period, observes, that " Mr. John More of Norwich, one of the worthiest clergymen in the reign of Elizabeth, gave the best reason that could be given for wearThg the longest and largest beard of any Englishman of his time ; namely, That no act of his life might be unworthy ofthe gravity of his appearance."'§ He died in the year 1592. Fuller includes him among the learned writers, being fellows of Christ's college, Cam- bridge ; and says, he made the excellent map ofthe Land of Palestine. i In the last will and testament of Mr. Thomas Merburie, Vindication of the Church of England, p. 341. + MS. Register, p. 286, 436. t Ames's Fresh Snit, Appen. p. 18. Granger's-Biog. Hist. vol. i. p. 217, 218, 288. 11 Fuller's Hist. of Camb. p. 92,