Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v1

INTRODUCTION. 61 raised ; and upon the king's accession; they took fresh courage, omitted some things in the public service, threw aside the surplice, and rejected the unprofitable cere- monies. During his majesty's progress to London, they presented their millenazy petition, subscribed by above 1000 pious and able ministers, 750 of whom were out of twenty-five counties.. It is entitled " The humble Petition of the Ministers of the Church of England, desiring Re- formation of certain ceremonies and abuses of the Church." They observe, " that they being more than 1000 ministers, groaning under the burden of human rites and ceremonies, with one consent, threw themselves at his royal feet, for a reformation in the church service, ministry, livings, and discipline."-t But amidst all their hopes, many of them rejoiced with trembling ; while James himself had, properly Speaking, no other religion, than what flowed from a prin- ciple which hocalled kingeraft4 Indeed, this soon appeared at the Hampton-court con- ference. This conference, and the disputants on both sides, were appointed by his majesty. For the church, there were nine bishops and about the samenumber of dignitaries ; but for the puritans, there were only four divines, Dr. Rainolds, Dr. Sparke, Mr. Chadderton, and Mr. Knew- stubs. These divines having presented their request of a further reformation, in several particulars,§ towards the conclusion the king arose from his chair, and addressed Dr. Rainolds, saying, " If this be all your party have to say, I will make them conform, or I will hurry them out of the land, or else do worse." And to close the whole, he said, " 1 will have none of this arguing. Let them conform, and that quickly, or they shall hear of it." 11 Such was the royal logic of the new monarch ! This conference, observes the judicious historian, was only a blind to intro- duce episcopacy into Scotland.1 The conduct of the king, who bore down all before him, was highly gratifying to the dignified prelates. Besides other instances of palpable flattery, Archbishop Whitgift said, " He was verily per- suaded the king spoke by the spirit of God.".. Clark's Lives annexed to Martyr, p. 116. + Fuller's Church Hist. b. x. p. 22. Warner's HiSt. of Eng. vol. ii. p. 477. § See Art. Rainolds. Barlow's Sum of Conference, p. 170, 177. Rapin's Hist. of Eng. vol. ii. p. 162. 'if. Welwood's Memoirs, p. 21.-Bishop Bancroft, falling on his knees before the king, on this occasion, and with his eves raised to him, said, ,c I protest my heart melteth for joy, that Almighty God, of his singular mercy, has given us such a king, as since Christ's time bath, not been."- Mesheim's Eca. Hist. vol. v. p. $86.