Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

F. JOHNSON. 89 indicted at the assizes, for not reading them all. He was obliged to hold up his hand at the bar ; when Anderson standing up, addressed him with a most fierce countenance. The angry judge, after insinuating that he was guilty of some most grievous crimes, though he mentioned none, oftentimes called him knave, and rebellious knave, and treated him with many other vile reproaches, not allowing him to speak in his own defence. Under this opprobrious treatment, Mr. Allen behaved himself with all humility and submission ; not rendering railing for railing, but the con- trary. Anderson in his charge said, that he would hunt all the puritans out of his circuit. In Mr. Allen's arraignment, one thing was very re- markable. During his trial, some , point coming under consideration, wherein judgment in divinitywas required, the good man referred himself to his ordinary, the bishop, then sitting on the bench ; but the judge, with marvellous indignation, interrupted him, saying, I am your ordinary and bishop too, in this place, and challenged any one to take his part. He was, indeed, so enraged against the good man, that when Sir George Sampol signified very softly to the judge, that Mr. Allen was an honest man and of a good conversation, his lordship could not help manifesting his displeasure.. It does not appear, what followed this pro- secution or whether Mr. Allen was released. We may see, however, from this instance, as well as many others, that the puritanministers were set onalevel with the vilest criminals, to the great disgrace of their office, and the loss of their reputation andusefulness. FRANCIS JouttsoN.--This celebrated puritan was fellow of Christ's college, Cambridge, a very popular preacher in the university, and afterwards a leading person among the Brownists in London. In the year 1588, for a sermon which he preached inSt. Mary's church, Cambridge, which was said to contain certain erroneous and dangerous doctrines, he was convened before the vice-chancellor, Dr. iVevil, and the heads of colleges, and committed to prison. The various proceedings of these ecclesiastical rulers engaged the attention of the university for a twelvemonth ; and while some warmly approved of the rigorous measures, others severely censured them, as reproachful to a protestant Strype's Annals, vol. iv. p. 265, 266.