F. JOHNSON. 105 scripture, The sun shall not burn them by day, nor themoon by night.-Their Gang-week,e and then praying over the corn and grass.-Their forbidding of marriage, in Gang- week, in Advent, in Lent, and on all the Ember-days ; which the ap ,stlecalleth a doctrine of devils, 1 Tim. iv. Their saints, angels and apostles' days, with their prescript service.-Their fasts, and abstaining from flesh, on their eves, onFridays, Saturiys, Ember-days, and all the days of Lent.-Their dispensations from the prelates' courts of faculties to eat flesh at these times.-Their dispensations to marry in these times forbidden.-Licenses from the same authority to marry in places exempt. -Dispensations also from thence for boysand ignorant fools to have benefices.- Dispensations also for nonresidents.-Forhaving two, three, four, or more benefices.-Tolerations.-Patronages of, and presentations to, benefices, with buying and selling ad- vowsons.-Their institution into benefices by the prelates, their inductions, proxies, &c.-Their suspensions, absolu- tions, degradations, deprivations, &c. - The prelates, chancellors, commissioners' courts, having power to excom- municate alone, and toabsolve.-Their penance in a white sheet.-Their commutation of penance, and absolving one man for another.-Theprelate's confirmation, or bishopping of children, to assure them of God's favour, by a sign of man's devising.-The standing at the gospel. -T he putting off the cap, and making a leg, when the word Jesus is reacEe -The ring of peals at burials.-Bead-men at burials, and hiredmourners in mourning apparel. -The hanging and mourning of churches and hearses with black at burials.- Their absolving the dead, dying excommunicate, before they can have, as they say, Christian burial. -The idol temples.-The popish vestments, as rocket, horned cap, tippet, the surplice, and the cope.-The visitations of the lord-bishops and archdeacons.=The prelates' lordly do- minion, revenues, and retinue.-The priests' maintenance . Gang-week, or rogation-week, was that particular season of the year, in which, according to popish custom, was observed " the perambu- lation of the circuits of parishes." Queen Elizabeth retained the same practice, and enjoined, " That the people should once a year, at the accustomed time, with the minister and substantial men of the parish, " walk round the parish as usual, and at their return to church make the " common prayers; provided that the minister, at certain convenient " places, shall admonish the people to give thank. to God for the increase " and abundance of the fruits of the earth, repeating the 103cl Psalm ; at " which time also the minister shall inculcate this and such like sentences, 4 Cursed be he that removeth his neighbour's land-mark."-Sparrow's Collection, p. 73.