124 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. at Oxford, inquiring whether the report was true. His worthy friend replied, The queen is not yet dead. The letter, however, being intercepted, Mr. Green was appre- hended, committed to the Tower, and, after lying a long time in prison, condemned and committed to the flames, under the cruel seventies of Bonner, bishop of London.* While our divine remained at Geneva, be took an active part, with several of his learned brethren, in writing and publishing the Geneva translation of the Bible.t On the accession of Queen Elizabeth, Mr. Goodman, after finishing the Translation, returned from exile, but did not immediately come to England. He went to Scotland ; and, for several years, was actively employed in promoting the reformation, and preaching the gospel, in that country. Inthe year 1560, having preached for some time at Ayr, the committee of parliament, who nominated the ministers for the principal towns in Scotland, appointed him to be minister at St. Andrews, where it was thought expedient that the officiating minister should be a man of established reputation.t About the same time, he was employed in a public disputation at Edinburgh, betwixt the papists and protestants. Those on the side of the papists were Dr. Lesley, Dr. Anderson, Mr. Mirton, and Mr. Stracquin ; who disputed with Mr. Knox, Mr. Willock, and Mr. Goodman. The points of disputation were, " The holy eucharist, and the sacrifice of the altar." In the conclusion, though the papists gave it out, that the protestants were completely baffled, and declined the contest in future, the nobility, who attended the dispute, were certainly of another mind.§ As minister of St. Andrews, Mr. Goodman was present in the assembly, December 20, 1560, with the assistant elders, David Spens and Robert Kynpont, who accompanied him, In 1562, be and Mr. John Row, minister of Perth, were appointed to assist John Erskine of Dun, in the visitation of the sheriffdoms of Aberdeen and Banff. And in 1563, he argued in opposition to Mr. Secretary Lething- ton, that the tithes ought to be appropriated tothe clergy. Lethington was on this occasion much chagrined ; and un- generously said, that it was not fit that a stranger should meddle with the affairs of a foreign commonwealth. Mr. Goodman calmly, but firmly, replied, " My lord secretary, Fox's Martyrs,vol. iii. p. 523-526.-Strype's Cranmer, p. 370. See Art. Coverdale. t Hist. of Church of Scotland, p. 253. Edit. 1644. ;) Collier's Eccl. Hist. vol. ii. p. 476.