Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

GOODMAN. 1§7 . be so too : this is founding dominion on grace. And when the prince has so precarious a title, and the subjects are` madejudges of the forfeiture, peace and public order must be weakly established. The next part of the recantation is not onejot better. For by only denying that private people may execute their princes, he seems toallow that magistrates and parliaments may do it. And by saying, that God does not ordinarilyput the sword into the hands of the people, what can be inferred, but that in some cases it is lawful for the-people to rise against their sovereign, and reform the church and stateat discretion."* How much better would the learned writer have ordered this recantation, if he had fortunately beenone of the high commissioners at Lambeth 1 If the form of it was really faulty, surely this attaches no evil to Mr. Goodman. He only complied with the im- positionsof his ecclesiastical judges. In this, as in numerous" other instances, wesee the extreme madness of any man, or any body of men, attempting to impose their own opinions upon their fellow-creatures. When Mr. Goodman was cited before the archbishop and other commissioners, he was required to subscribe, not only the above recantation, but the following protestation ofhis loyalty to the queen and government : " I, Christopher Goodman, preacher of God's word in this realm of England, have protested, the day and year above written, before the reverend fathers aforesaid, and in this present writing, do unfeignedly protest and confess before all men, that I have esteemed and taken Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queen of England, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. ever since her coronation, as now, and shall during life, and her 'mrace's government, for my only liege lady, and most lawful queen and sove- reign. Whom I truly reverence in my heart, love, fear, and obey, as becometh an obedient subject, in all things lawful ; and as I have at sundry times in the pulpit, willingly and of mine own accord, declared in great audi- ence, who can and will bear me sufficient record, exhorting and persuading all men, so far forth as in me did lay, to the like obedience to her majesty. For whose preservation, and prosperous government, I have earnestly and daily prayed to God, and will, being assisted by his holy spirit, duringnay life. In witness whereof, I the said Christopher, Collier's Ecel.-IfIst. vol. ii. p. 440.