PERKINS. 131 Mr. Perkins had a surprising talent for reading books. Ile perused them so speedily, that he appeared to read nothing; yet so accurately, that he seemed to read all. In addition to his frequent preaching, and other ministerial duties, he wrote numerous excellent books ; many of which, on account of their great worth, were translated into Latin, and sent into foreign countries, where they were greatly admired and esteemed. Some of them being translated into French, Dutch, and Spanish, were dispersed through the various European nations. Voetius and other foreign divines, have spoken of him with great honour and esteem. Bishop Hall said, " he excelled in a distinct judgment, a rare dexterity in clearing the obscure subtleties of the schools, and in an easy explication of the most perplexed subjects." And though he was author of so many books, being lame of his right-hand, he wrote them all with his left. Heused to write in the titleof allhis books, "Thou art a Minister of the Word : Mind thybusiness." This celebrated divine was a thorough puritan, both in, principle and in practice, and was more than once con- vened before his superiors for nonconformity ; yet he was a man of peace and great moderation. He was concerned for a purer reformation of the church ; and, to promote the desired object, he united with his brethren in their private associations, and in subscribing the " Book of Discipline.". Complaint was, however, brought against him, that he had signified, before the celebration of the Lord's supper, that the minister not receiving the bread and wine from the hands of another minister, but from himself, was a corruption in the church :-that to kneel at the sacrament was superstitious and antichristian ;-and that to turn their faces -towards the east, was another corruption. Upon this complaint, lie was convened before Dr. Perne, the vice-chancellor, and heads of colleges; but refusing to answer, unless he might know his accusers, it was thought expedient to bring certain persons who had heard him, and examine them upon their oaths. Therefore, Mr. Bradcock, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Baines, and Mr. Bainbrigg, were pro- duced as witnesses against him, and required to answer the three following interrogatories : 1. " Whether Mr. Perkins, in his common place, made at the time before mentioned, did teach, that it was a corruption in our church, that the minister did not receive the communion at Neal's Puritans, vol. I. p. 4g3.