Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

142 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. and that the statute required such to take upon them the order of priests, than he concluded he was perjured ; upon which, without any further admonition, he exerted his interest to the utmost among the masters, to rid the place of a man whose popularity was too great for his ambition, declaring he could not establish order in the university, while a man of his principles was among them.. The friends of Mr. Cartwright complained of this hard usage. They looked upon it as extreme severity, and savouring too much of antichrist, for a man to be thus cen- sured, without being allowed to have a conference before impartial judges. Whitgift and his friends, therefore; to make their case appear plausible, signed the following testimonial, signifying, " That Mr. Cartwright never offered any disputation, only on condition that he might know his opponents and his judges ; nor was this kind of disputation denied him, only he was required to obtain a license from the queen or council ;"-t, which his ad- versaries knew he could never procure. Here it evident Mr. Cartwright did not stand on equal ground. The reader will easily perceive, that his proposals of a public dispute, even according to the statement of his enemies, were most equitable and just; but theirs were inequitable, and not within his power to observe. After Mr. Cartwright's expulsion from the university, "Whitgift accused him ofgoing up and down idly,and doing no good, butliving atother mens' tables." t How ungenerous was this ! After the doctor had taken away his bread, and stopped his mouth from preaching, how unkind was it to reproach him with doing no good, and with depending on his friends for a dinner! Mr. Cartwright himself says, " After he had thrust me out of the college, he accused me of going up and down, doing no good, and living at other mens' tables. That I was not idle, I suppose, he knoweth too well. Whether well occupied, or no, let, it be judged. I lived, indeed, at other mens' tables, having no house, nor ,wife, of my own : but not without their desire, and with small delight of mine, for fear of evil tongues. And although I were not able t6 requite it ; yet towards some I went about it, instructing their children partly in the prin- ciples of religion, partly in other learning."§ Mr. Cartwright being expelled from the university, and Strype'sW hitgift, p. 47. t Paulo's Wititgift, p. 1a-718k Strype's Wh,tgift, p. 64. Biog. Britaa. vol. iii. p. 282. Edit. 1778.