CARTWRIGHT. i.4 against a private man, much less when they, slander the whole church.". How would the doctor have liked this language in the mouth of a papist sixteen years before ? It has too often been the method of warm disputants, when they could not untie the knots with their fingers, to cut them with the sword of the civil power. In this controversy, the two parties complained of each other. Whitgift thus observes to Cartwright: " If you should have written against the veriest papist in the world, the vilest person, the ignorantist dolt, you could not have used a more spiteful and malicious, more slanderous and reproachful, more contemptuous and disdainful kind of writing, than you use throughout your whole book." On the other. hand, Cartwright says to Whitgift, " If peace had been so precious to you, as you 'pretend, you would not have brought so many hard words, bitter reproaches, enemy-like speeches, (as it were sticks and coals,) to double and treble the heat of contention." Mr. Strype, speaking of Cartwright's reply, says, " Great was the opinion, both ' of the man and of his book, at this time in London, as well as at Cambridge : many of the aldermen of London openly countenanced him., He was secretly harboured, in.' 1 he city, and had a great many admirers and visitors there, and wanted. not for presents and gratuities."+ Whether; therefore, Mr. Cartwright got the better of his adversary, or not, in sound learning and strength of argument, Whitgift assuredly got most by it : for he was soon after made Archbishop of Canterbury, while Cartwright was perseCuted from place to place, as if he were not fit to live. The chief of the puritans, being now deprived of the liberty of preaching and publishing, wished to obtain a public disputation with their adversaries. Though this privilege had been allowed the protestants in the days of Queen Mary, and the papists at the accession of Elizabeth, the queen and council took ashorter method, and summoned the disputants to appear before the ecclesiastical rulers, to answer such articles as should then be exhibited against them. Mr. Cartwright was summoned by a special order from the high commission, addressed, " To all mayors, sheriffs, bailiffs, constables, headboroughs, and to all the Whitgift acknowledged, that, by the word of God, the office of bishops and priests were the same ; yet, in his controversy with Cartwright, he made it heresy to believe and teach this doctrine.-Nears Puritans, vol. i. p. 280.--Huntley s Prelates' Usurpations,p, 124. Eiog. Ethan. vol. iii. p. 284. Edit. 1778. VOL. IL