Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

CARTWRIGHT. 153 upon him, he caused him to perform penance, taking upon him the authority of the ordinary. 21, That he and some others have kept divers public fasts, and have invited more to join them, without the authority of the queen. 22. That since he came to Warwick, he bath caused much faction, by distinguishing the people into godly and profane. 3. That he (loth know who were the writers, printers, or dispersers of the writings under the name of Martin Mar- Prelate. 24. That being asked his opinion of these books, he insinuated, that as the bishops would not amend by grave writings, it was meet they should be dealt with to their great shame and reproach. 25. That he penned or procured to be penned, all -pr some part of the book, entitled Disciplina Ecclesim sacra verb° Deitlescripta; and he recommended the same to the judgment and censure of others., 26. That the said Thomas Cartwright and sundry others have met in assemblies, termed synods, in London, Oxford, Cambridge, Warwickshire, Northamptonshire, &c. 27. That at such synods, it hath been concluded, that all ministers should subscribe the said " Book of Disci- pline," and be- governed by it. 28. That at such synods, a moderator was by him and them chosen, according to the order of the said book. 29. That at such assemblies, he did, with others, dispute upon certain articles, and set down their determinations. 30. That he, with others, in an assembly at Cambridge, did conclude upon certain decrees, which were afterwards considered and allowed at Warwick. 31. That all the proceedings of such meetings have been set down, from time to time, by the said Thomas Cartwright and others.. These articles are presented to the reader as a curious specimen of the charges alleged against the puritans, that he may judge of their evil nature and dangerous tendency. We may suppose this long list of crimes contains all the evil things that even his enemies could bring against him. They were exhibited against Mr. Cartwright by Bishop Aylmer, and other commissioners, who required him to take the oath ex officio. He, indeed, offered to clear himself of Fuller's Church Hist. b. ix. p. 198-202.