' CAREW. 167 I went to his lordship myself, to know the reasons of his displeasure ; and when I said I would yield in all things according to the word of God, he replied, That addition, accordinc, to the word of God, is your knavish trick; but you shall observe all things.' At length," says Mr. Carew, "in about a twelvemonth after, by the kind favour of one who was intimate with the bishop, my liberty was obtained. Nevertheless, by further complaints of known enemies, I was again suspended ; and after I was cleared by my judges, I obtained my release from suspension. Soon after this, I was again brought into trouble ; and refusing to take the oath to answer their articles against myself, I was committed to the Fleet. "* His commitment was dated November 16, 1585. Mr. Carew, and Mr. Allen, his patron, were both com- mitted to prison at the same time They both offered bail, but it was refused. Afterwards, it was offered them by the bishop, upon these conditions : " That Allen, the patron, would not disturb the minister whowas appointed topreach there, nor disquiet him in reading the service ; and that Mr. Carew would preach no more in his diocese, without a further license."+ These conditions did not, however, meet their approbation. During their imprisonment in the Fleet, Mrs. Carewpresented a supplication to the queen, for the release of her husband, in which she addressed her majesty as follows :-" This most humbly beseecheth your most royal majesty, to relieve the distressed state of your poor handmaid, who sueth to your highness in behalf of her husband, a minister of the gospel, who hath been accused by certain papists, and who incensed the Bishop of London against him. And for refusing to subscribe to two ofthe archbishop's articles, which appear to him to be con- trary tothe word of God and the laws ofthe realm, the bishop hath suspended, deprived, and twice committed him to prison ; and bath now a third time committed him, because he is unwilling to give up preaching till the bishop license him. Wherefore, I heartily beseech your majesty, that you will set my husband at liberty ; that, by preaching the word, he may further instruct the people how to pray for the present peace and everlasting felicity of your most excellent majesty."t Mr. Carew and his worthy patron, having suffered impri- sonment for some time, made application tothe privy council, MS. Register, p. 655-655. + Strype's Aylmer, p. 121,122. t MS. Register, p. 658,659.