Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

CORYAT-TRIGGE-WYBURN. 169 pair of shoes, which, as he informs us, he got mended at Zurich. He did not live, however, to complete his travels, but died at Surat in India.' He was author of " Poemata varia Latina," 1611; and " Descriptio Anglia, Scotim, & Hibernia FRANCIS TRIGGE, A. M.-Hewas born in Lincolnshire, in 'the year 1544, and educated in University college, Oxford, where he took his degrees. Afterwards, he entered upon the christian ministry, and became rector ofWelborn, near Buckingham. He was the founder of the public library at Grantham in Lincolnshire, on the wall of which is a Latin inscription descriptive of his great charity and other excellencies. He gave a certain sum to the town of Grantham, to be distributed annually among its poor inhabitants. He died May 12, 1606, aged sixty-two years; and his remains were interred in the chancel of Welborn church. Wood styles him a noted and godly preacher, but a very strict puritan.+ His Woaas.-1. An Apology, spewing that the days wherein we live are more good and blessed than thoseof ourForefathers, 1589.- 2. Comment. in cap. 12. ad. Rom., 1590.-3. Comment. in Rev. S. Joh., 1590.-4. Analysis capitis 24 Evangelii secundum Mattlimum, 1591.-5. A Sermon preached at Grantham, 1594.-6. Touchstone of Catholic Faith, 1599.-7. The true Catholic formed, according t9 the Truth of the Scriptures, 1602. PERCIVAL WYRURN, D. D.-The earliest account we meet with of this excellent divine, is in March, 1560, when, by an order from Bishop Grindal, he was ordained by Bishop Davies.t He was chosen proctor of the cathedral of Rochester, in the convocation of 1562; when he sat in that learned assembly, and subscribed the articles of religion.§ During the same year he became prebendary of Westminster, and, the year following, vicar of St. Sepulchre's, Londondl The last he did not hold very long ; for in 1564, being convened before Archbishop Parker, and refusing subscription, he was sequestered and depriyed.a He remained under his lordship's censure till Wood's Athena Oxon. vol.'i. l. p. 358-162.-Granger's Biog. }list. vol. ii. p. 35. + Wood's Athena;, vol. i. p. 283, 284. Strype's Grindal, p. 39. Strype's Annals, vol. i. p. 290. Nevvcourt's Repert. Reel. vol. i. p. 534. Strype's Grindal, p. 98.