Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

WILCOCKS. 187 F. Inone respect we do, and in another respect we do not. As it signifieth one sent of God to preach the gospel, we allow it. P. And in what respect do you not allow it ? W. As it signifieth one sent to preach to all creatures, it bath no place in the church. P. Why so ? W. Because the calling of the Gentiles is ended, and that office was only temporal, enduring only for a season. P. I know many good writers are of your opinion. But how do you prove that from scripture ? W. Easily enough. It is scripture itself. P. Let this be granted. Doth an equality of ministers, therefore, follow ? St. Paul saith, God gave to his church some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors, and some leachers. F. That place maketh most for us, as, by the assistance of God, we hope to make evidently appear. W. Seeing we are dealing in matters which concern God's glory, and we cannot of ourselves speak to his praise, nor without the teaching ofhis Spirit, let us crave his divine assistance in the exerciseof prayer. P. Will you use private or public prayer ? W. Nay, in my judgment, the more public the better. [Mr. Field then engaged inprayer, which being finished, they resumed the conversation as follows :] W. Now, if it please you, let us begin where we left off. P. From the words of Paul, I reason thus : In his day there was a distinction of callings; therefore, there can be no parity of ministers. F. That place of Paul proveth no such thing. For he there speaketh of those extraordinary offices which were peculiar to the state of the church in the time of the apostles : as apostles, prophets, and evangelists. Also he speaks of those offices which are ordinary, and to continue to theend of time : as pastors and teachers, which differ not in authority and dignity, though they may in gifts and graces. P. I understand your meaning. I perceive you will have no minister to preach out of his own charge. F. That is our opinion. P. And why so ? F. Because every pastor hathwork enough to take proper care of his own flock; therefore, he needeth not to thrust himself upon another man's labour.