R. PARKER. 237 left under the unmerciful censure of this prelate. But how long he remained so, or whether the bishop ever restored him, we are not ableto learn. He died about the year 1614.* His name, or the name ofhis brother, Mr. Jeremiah Dyke, another excellent puritan divine, is among those who sub- scribed the " Book of Discipline."t Mr. Dyke was aman of an unblemished character, a divine of great learning and piety, and a preacher of sound, heart-searching doctrine.} Wood denominates him an eminent preacher.§ His writings are excellent for the time, and are still much admired. Bishop Wilkins classes his sermons among the most excel- lent in hisday.II His works, containing various pieces,were collected and published in 1635, in two volumes quarto'. His " Mystery of Sell-deceiving," was often published, and was translated into High Dutch. " It is a book," says Fuller, " that will be owned for a truth, while men have any badness in them; andwill be owned as a treasure, while they have any goodness in them."1 This work, and his " Treatises on Repentance," are very searching. His doc- trine falls as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass... ROBERT PARKER.-This learned and celebrated puritan became rector of North-Benfiete in Essex, in the year 1571 ; but, resigning the benefice the year following, he became rector of West-Henningfield, in the same county, which he held several years.-H- Afterwards he became pastor of the church at Dedham, in the same county, where he was predecessor to the famous Mr. John Rogers. He was suspended by Bishop Aylmer, for refusing subscrip- tion to Whitgift's three articles. Being afterwards, by some means, restored to his ministry, a day was appointed when he should be deprived, if he still persisted in refusing to wear the surplice ; when he most probably received the ecclesiastical censure.u. Having endured these troubles, he left the county, and was afterwards beneficed at Wilton in Wiltshire, where he continued many years. In the year 1598, Bishop Bilson having published to the * Fuller's Worthies, part ii. p. 29. + Neal's Puritans, vol. i. p. 423. Mr. Dyke's " Deceitfulness of the Heart," Dediea. Edit. 1633. Athena Oxon. vol. i. p. 788. U Discourse on Preaching, p. 82, 83, If Worthies, part ii. p. 29. .0 Williams's Christian Preacher, p. 454. + + Newcourt's Report. Eccl. vol. ii. p. 46, 310. MS. Register, p. 584, 741.