Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

244 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. states, willed them to receive me de domino vistro, which, if you render sir, will be absurd. G. The queen accounteth none of you as lords; only by custom fromyour predecessors, the popish bishops, you are called lords. B. In the acts of parliament we are called lords spiritual, as theothers are called lords temporal. G. That is merely through custom, as before. D. Bullinger, Gaulter, and other learned men abroad, in their late letter to the Bishop of Norwich, called him lord- bishop. G. The bishop shewed me their letters, and they called him not by the name of lord. B. But you observe not the order prescribed in the queen's book. G. I-do not thinkmyself bound by law, to observe pre- cisely every part of the queen's book. B. Youdo not read the service as appointed by the book. G. I say the service as appointed, except, for the sake of preaching, I omit some parts ; as I may by law. I observe the rest, except the cross and vows in baptism, which I did not consider myself as bound precisely to observe. B. But you wear not the surplice. G. I wear it not ; and seeing it was established in the church not according to the word of God, I dare not wear it. B. There are many godly, zealous, and learned men who wear it. Do you then condemn them all ? G. I utterly dislike their wearing it. And you, Mr. Dean, did publiclypreach against it, and condemned those who wore it, calling it a superstitious and popish garment. B. You have preached without renewing your license, since the day appointed in the canons. G. I was minister of the word of God, and, therefore, had sufficient authority to preach the word in my parish without any further license. Yet I despised not your licenses, so far as they tend to shut out those who would teach popery and false doctrine. B. You deny our authority, and wear not the surplice. You shall, therefore, be put from the ministry, and return to your occupation. G. I thank God that I have an occupation to go to, and am not ashamed of it. Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul had an occupation.