Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

246 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. their firmness in the cause of nonconformity. This letter, dated fromLondon, May 25, 1577, was as follows : " We stand resolved that what we have done con- " cerning the ceremonies, the cross in baptism, &c. is most " agreeable to the word of God and the testimony of a " good conscience. By the help of God, we will labour " even in all things, to the utmost of our power, to be "found faithful and approved before God and men; and, " therefore, we will not betray that truth which it hath "pleased God, irhis great goodness, to make known unto " us. You will know we do nothing contentiously : therein " we are clear before God and men. But we wish you to " understand, that the iniquitous times in which we live,, " and the great trials which we, as well as you, have to " endure in the cause of God, and a thousand such afilic- " tions, shall not, the Lord helping us, make us shrink from " the maintenance of his truth. The same good opinion we " have conceived of you, not doubting that he who hatla " hitherto made you a glorious witness of truth, will still " enable you to go forwards in the same course. And yet " we think it meet, bath on account of our own dulness, "arid the evil days come upon us, that we should quicken " one another in so good a cause. We deal thus withyou, " whom, both for learning and godliness, we very much " love and reverence in the Lord; and we commit you to " God, and the word of his grace, which is able, and no " doubt will, in due time, further build upboth you andus, " to the glory of his name, and our endless comfort in " Christ. " RICHARD GAWTON, GYLES SEYNTCLER, " THOMAS PENNY, NICHOLAS STANDON, " NATHANIEL BAXTER, JOHN FIELD, " GEORGE GYLDRED, THOMAS WILCOCKS.". " NICHOLAS CRANE, It does not appear how long. Mr. Gawton continued in a state of suspension ; only in the year 1581, he was preacher at Bury St. Edmunds ; but I am apt to think, says our learned historian, seeing his opinions and practice were still the same, this was owing to the want of proper' disci- pline, and to the countenance he there met with, notwith- standing his suspension.+ Admitting this account to be correct, his suspension must have continued at least five 1. MS. Register, p. 896. 1- Strypes Annals, vol. iii. p. SO.