Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

14 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. before Baron Clarke and Serjeant Puckering, for writing a wicked, scandalous, and seditious libel, entitled 44 A Demonstration of the Truth of that Discipline which Christ bath prescribed in his Word for the Government of his Church, in all Times and Places, until the end of the World." It was dedicated " To the supposedgovernors of the church of England, the archbishops, lord-bishops, archdeacons,and the rest ofthat order." In the dedicai ion of the book, are these words, as inserted in the indictment, and upon which the charge against him was founded : " Who " can, without blushing, deny you (the bishops) to be " the cause of all ungodliness : seeing your government is " that which giveth leave to a man to be any thing, saving " a sound christian ? For certainly it is more free in these " days, to be a papist, anabaptist, of the family of love ; " yea, any most wicked one whatsoever, than that which we " should be. And I could live these twenty years, any " such in England ; (yea in a bishop's house, it may be) " and never be much molested for it. So true is that which 44 you are charged with, in a 4 Dialogue' lately come forth, " against you, and since burned by you, that you care for " nothing but the maintenance of your dignities, be it to " the damnation of your own souls, and infinite millions " more.". His indictment said, " That he not having the fear of God before his eyes, but being stirred up by the instigation of the devil, didmaliciously publish a scandalous infamous libel against the queen's majesty, her crown and dignity."+ Mr. Udal being brought to the bar, and his indictment read, humbly requested their " lordships to grant him to answer by counsel ;" which the judge peremptorily refused, saying, " You cannot have it. Therefore answer your indictment." He then pleaded not guilty, and put himself upon the trial of his country.t In openingthe case, Mr. Daulton, the queen'scounsel, made a long invective against the new discipline, as he was pleased to call it, which, he affirmed, was not to be found in the word of God. When he had done, Mr. Udal observed, that, as this was a contro- 'versy among learned divines, he thought Mr. Daulton might have suspended his judgment, especially as he himself had formerly shewed some liking to the same cause. Upon which the judge said, " Sirrah ! sirrah ! answer to the Fuller'sChurch Hist. b. ix. p. 221, 222.-Strype's Whitgift, p. US. t State Tryals, vol. i. p. 147. t Ibid. 4doimunm