Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

GREENWOOD. 33 Q. We will examine you then without an oath. Are you a minister ? G. I was one, according toyour orders. Q. Who degraded you ? B. But contrary to the law. T. On such occasions it may be done by law. Have you any learning ? B. The Lord knoweth I am ignorant. I have no learning to boast of. But this I know, that you are void of all true learningand godliness. Buck. See the spirit of this man. A. I have matter to callyou before me as an heretic. B. That shall you never do. You know my former judgment in that matter. Err, I may ; but heretic, by the grace of God, I will never be. Buck. That is well said. T. Do you not hold, that it is unlawful to enact a law for ministers to live by tithes, and that the people be required to pay them ? B. My lord, such laws are abrogated andunlawful. T. Thou wouldst have the minister to live upon something. What should he live of? B. Wholly ofalms,as Christ hath ordained,and as he and hisapostles lived. T. How if the people will not give ? B. Such are not the people of God. T. But what shall the ministers do, in the mean time ? B. Not stand as ministers to such, neither receive the goods of the profane. T. Where canst thou shew me, from scripture, that ministers ought not to live by tithes ? B. Ileb. vii. 12., Gal. vi. 6. In the one place tithes are abrogated ; in the other, another kind of provision is made for ministers. The words of the former text are these : For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessitya change also of the law ;" and you cannot deny, that tithes werea part of that law: as Numb. xviii. T. Wouldst thou have the minister then to have all my goods ? B. No, my lord. But I would have you not withhold your goods from helping him : neither rich nor poor are exempted from this duty. T. Ministers are not now called priests. B. If they receive tithes, they are priests. They are called priests in the law. Load. What is a presbyter, Ipray thee ? B. An elder. Lond. What in age only ? B. No. Timothy was a young man. Load. Presbyter is Latin for priest. B. It is no Latin word; but is derived from the Greek, and signifieth the same as the Greek word, which is elder. Lond. What then dustthou make a. priest? B. One that offereth sacrifices; for so it is always used in the law. Chan. Do you not know those two men ? pointing at the bishop and archbishop. B. Yes, my lord, I have cause to know them. Chan. Is not this the Bishop of London ? B. I know him for no bishop, my lord. Chan. What is he then ? B. His name is Aylmer, my lord. The Lord pardon my fault, that I did not lay him open as a wolf, a bloody persecutor, and an apostate. Chan. What is that man, pointing to the archbishop ? B. He is a monster ; a miserablecompound ; I know not what to make of him. He is neither ecclesiastical nor civil, but that second beast spoken of in Revelation. VOL. IL Iy