Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

462 LIVES OF TIIE PURITANS. held a good correspondence ; he being bold, expert, and Candid in admonishing or reproving, as occasion presented ; tender alsoand cordial in comforting the afflictedor wounded spirit; and, in a word, he spewed much integrity in all his actions. He was, in his private studies, according to that strong constitution wherewith God had blessed him, inde- fatigable : the benefit whereof the church of God enjoyeth, in those many tractates written and printed by him ; as most men versed in theological studies will give testimony."4 He was a learned divine and a zealous pastor, of which his numerous writings afford ample proof. They also discover great precision of thought, and much strength and energy of mind. It is added, that ti-w same uncommon ardour which is discovered throughout his writings, was, during a long and labbrious ministry, manifested with extensive effects in his immediate and extra-parochial engagements.t Mr. Bernard had for his assistants at Batcombe, Mr. Robert Balsom the puritan, then Mr. Edward Bennet -; and for his successor, Mr. Richard Allein ; both ejected in 16624 His WORKS.-1. Dissuasions from the Way of Separation, 1605.- 2. Twelve Arguments proving that theCeremonies imposed upon the Ministers in the Church of England, by the Prelates, are unlawful, and therefore that the Ministers of the Gospel, for the bare and sole OmissiOn of them for Conscience sake, are most unjustly charged with Disloyalty to her Majesty, 1605.-3. A Key for the Opening of the Mysteries of the Revelation of St. John, 1617.-4. Fabulous Foundation of the Popedom, shewingthat St. Peter was never at Rome, 1619.-5. The Good Man's Grace, or his Stay in all his Distress, 1621. --C. The Faithful Shdpherd and his Practice, 1621.-7. The Seven Golden Candlesticks, or the Sevenfold State of God's Church here on Earth, 1621.-43. An Answer to that Question, ' Where was your Religion before Luther ?' 1624.-9. Rhemes against Rome, 1626.- 10. A Guide to Grand Jurymen in Cases of Witchcraft, 1627.- 11. Bible Battles, 1629.-12. Of the Nature and Differences of Con- science, 1631.-13. The Isle of Man ; or, the Legal Proceedings in Manshire against Sin, 1632A-14. The Ready Way to good Works ; Or, a Treatise of Charity, 1635.-15. A Three-fold Treatise of the Sabbath, on Gen. ii. 3., 1641.-16. A short View of the Prelatical Church of England, 1641.-17. The Bible's Abstract and Epitome, 1642 -18. Thesaurus Biblicus sea promptuarium sacrum, 1644. The last of these articles was republished, with enlargements, in 1661, and discovers the author's great learning and uncommon labour. Bernard's Isle of Man, p. 12-15. Edit. 1803. t Ibid. p. 10. Palmer's Noneon. Mem. vol. ii. p. 139. iii. p. 167. § This was the eighth edition of this excellent, though somewhat quaint little work, written in the form of an allegory. It was republished in 1803.