Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

484 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. Through the innumerable complaints from all quarters, and a multitude of other concerns which came before the house and the committee, some time elapsed before the result of the examination of Dr. Leighton's case came forth. But, April 21, 1641, Mr. Rouse having delivered the report of the committee, the house came to the following resolu- tions : 1. " That the attaching, imprisoning, and detaining Dr. Leighton in prison, by warrant of the high commission, is illegal. 2. " That the breaking up of Dr. Leighton's house, and taking away his papers by Edward Wright, then sheriffof London, and now lord mayor, is illegal. 3. " That the said Edward Wright ought to give repara- tions to Dr. Leighton, for his damages sustained by break- ing open his house, and taking away his papers and other goods. 4. " That the Archbishop of Canterbury, then Bishop of London, ought to give satisfaction to Dr. Leighton, for his damages sustained by fifteen weeks imprisonment in Newgate, upon the said bishop's warrant. 5. " That the great fine of ten thousand pounds laid upon Dr. Leighton, by sentence of the star-chamber, is illegal. 6. " That the sentence of the corporal punishment imposed upon Dr. Leighton ; the whipping, branding, slitting the nose, cutting off his ears, setting in the pillory, and the execution thereof, and the imprisonment, thereupon, are illegal. 7. " That Dr. Leighton ought to be freed from the great fine of ten thousand pounds, and from the sentence of per- petualimprisonment, and to have his bonds delivered to him, which he entered into for his true imprisonment. 8. " That Dr. Leighton ought to have good satisfaction and reparation for his great sufferings and damages sus- tained by the illegal sentence in the star-chamber.". These were the resolutions of the house of commons, after a mature examination of his most affecting case. It is observed, that he was voted to receive six thousand pounds for damages, but most probably, on account of the confusions of the times, it was never paid him.+ In the year 1642, Dr. Leighton, by the appointment of the house of commons, was made keeper of Lambeth-house, when Itushworth's Collec. vol. v. p. 228, 229.--Nalson's Collec. vol. i. p. 199, 800. 1- Seats' Worthies, p. 141.