Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

GREENWOOD. 37 G. Myself, being father. Q. Why bath he not been baptized ? G. Because I have been in prison, and cannot tell where to go to a reformed church, where I might have him bap- tized according to God's ordinance. Q. Will you go to church, to St. Bridges ? G. I know of no such church, Q. Will you go to St. Paul's ? G. No. Q. llo you not hold a parish to be the church? G. If all the people were faithful, having God's law and ordinances practised among them, I do. Q. llo you then hold, that the parish cloth make it no church. G. No. But the profession which the people make. Q. Do you hold that the church ought to be governed by a presbytery ? G. Yes, every congregation of Christ ought to be go- verned by that presbyterywhich Christ bath appointed. Q. What are those officers ? G. A pastor, teacher, and elder. Q. And must the church be governed by no other officers ? G. No, by no others than Christ bath appointed. Q. May this people and presbytery reform such things as are amiss, without the prince ? G. They ought to practise God's laws, and correct vice by the censure of the word. Q. What if the prince:forbid them ? G. They must, nevertheless, do that which God com- mandeth. Q. If the prince offend, may the presbytery excom- municate him ? G. The whole church may excommunicateany member of that church, if the party continue obstinate in open transgression. Q. May the prince be excommunicated ? G. There is no exception of persons ; and I doubt not that her majesty would be ruled by the word. For it is not the men, but the word of God, that bindeth and looseth. Q. May the prince then make laws for the government of the church ? G. The scripture bath set down sufficient laws for the