500 LIVES OF THE- PURITANS. not appear to be his majesty's, though published in his name, because not enrolled in any court, nor published under the great seal, as were all proclamations and briefs to be read in churches : that there was no command from the king that it should be read in the churches by any particu- lar persons, much less by ministers ; nor any punishment threatened nor prescribed for not reading it ;* nor any authoritygiven to archbishops, bishops, high commissioners, or any other persons, to question, suspend, or punish any minister for refusing so to do ; and being merely a civil, not an ecclesiastical declaration, nor enjoined by any eccle- siastical canon or authority, but that which is only civil, no ecclesiastical judges could take cognizance of it, much less inflict any ecclesiastical censure for not observing it." These things heaffirmed and maintained inhis own defence before the high commission, when Archbishop Laud, now at the head ofthe commission, commanded that his defence should not be accepted, and declared in open court, "That whosoever should make such a defence as he had done, it should be burnt before his face, and he laid by the heels for his pains." Upon this manifestofrom the arbitrary prelate, the commissionersexpunged as much of his defence as they pleased and December 11, 1634, he was personally and Judicially admonished to read the declaration within three weeks ; but, refusing to observe the admonition, he was suspended from bothhis office and benefice. In the month of April, 1635, he was admonished a second time, and still refusing to cornply, he was excommunicated. He was also charged " with having, at divers times, omitted to read some parts of the public service, to wear the surplice, and to bow his body, or make any corporal obeisance, at hear- ing or reading the name ofJesus." He was therefore told, that ifhedid not read the Declaration forSports, and conform himself in all other points, before the second day of next term, he should suffer deprivation. For refusing to do which he was accordingly deprived.t In addition to the above cruelties, Ire was cast into prison; and so continued suspended, excommunicated, deprived, and imprisoned many years, to his unspeakable injury. November 16, Mr. Snelling having observed that there was no penalty mentioned in the Book of Sports, Archbishop Laud, in his own defence, at his trial, boldly asserted, . I say then his obedience, and other men's, should have been the more free and cheerful."-Wkarton's Troubles of Laud, vol. i. p, 345. t Prynne's Cant. Poome, p. 150, 151.-Rushworth's Collec. vol. ii. p..459 --461.