Brooks - BX9338 .B7 1813 v2

504 LIVES OF THE PURITANS. where he was highly esteemed.. Upon his removal from this place, he, in 1644, became minister at Shoreditch, London, by order of parliaments It does not appear how long he remained in this last situation, nor can we obtain any further information concerning him. HENRY SCUDDER, B. D. - This excellent person was educated in Christ's college, Cambridge, and afterwards minister at Drayton in Oxfordshire, where, on account of his exemplary piety, great prudence, and excellent minis- terial labours, he was highly esteemed.t Afterwards he became minister of Collingborn-Dukes in Wiltshire; and, in the year 1643, was chosen one of the assenibly of divines, when he constantly attended. Fuller has placed him among the learned writers of the above college ;§ and Granger denominates him " an eminent presbyterian divine." 11 He was author of an excellent work, entitled, " The Christian's daily Walk in Holy Security and Peace." It passed through numerous editions, and is held in high repute among serious christians in the present day. Mr. Baxter and Dr. Owen prefixed to it their recommendatory epistles. The former says, " I remember not any book which is written to be the daily companion of christians, to guide them in the practice of a holy life, which I prefer before this : I am sure none of my own. For so sound is the doctrine of this book, and so, prudent and spiritual, apt and savoury, and all so suited to our ordinary cases and condi- tions, that I heartilywish no family may be without it." The latter says, " There is generally that soundness and gravity in the whole doctrine of the book, that weight of wisdom in the directions given forpractice, that judgment in the resolu- tions of doubts and objections, that breathing of the spirit of holiness, zeal, humility, and the fear of the Lord, in Ole whole ; that I judge, and am satisfied therein, that it will be found of singular use unto all such as in sincerity desirea compliance with his design." This work was in so high a repute, that it was translated into high Dutch, by the learned Mr. Theodore Haak.a Mr. Scudder wrote the life Wharton's Troublesof Laud, vol, i. p. 371. Erynne's Cant. Doome, p. 380. Clark's Lives annexed to his Martyrologie, p, 318. - § Fuller's Hist. of Camb. p. 92. l Granger's Biog. Hist, vol. ii. p. 193. Mr. Hoak translated " The Dutch Annotations upon the Bible" into English,and is said to have projected the first plan of the Royal Society in London.-Ibid.