CLARKSON. 507 Mr. Bailie, who was no less indignant than his brother Edwards, against all who opposed the impositions and uniformity of a national church, tells us, that Mr. Clarkson and his brethren preached, " That the moral law of God did not bind any christian to obedience ; that magistrates ought not to punish murderers, if they were church members ; that all preachers, who pressed repentance and sorrow for sin, were legal ; that God was not displeased with the sins of his saints, and would not have them to be displeased with them; and that all our duties are done for us by Christ."* Bailie s Anabaptism, p. 95. END 01? VOL. 11. HUGRES, PRINTER, MAIDEN-LANE, COVENT-4ARDEN. 111.111.111111.1,0110.712WW1 11111LI.71,-.A1